Writing Academy
The Scribophile Writing Academy is a free resource to help you learn about the craft of writing, from fundamentals like punctuation and grammar, to craft like points of view and characterization, all the way through submitting manuscripts to agents and publishers.
Analogy vs. Metaphor: What’s the Difference?
Analogies and metaphors are similar, but have important differences. We’ll show you exactly how these two literary devices differ.
What are “Vivid Verbs,” And How They Lead to Stronger Writing
Using the right verb is critical to effective prose. We’ll tell you about picking the right vivid verb for your writing.
How to Start Writing a Book
Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part of writing. Learn how to get your first few chapters started in this useful guide.
Can You Start a Sentence with “And”? When to Break the Oldest Rule in the Book
Learn whether or not you can start a sentence with “and” in this guide, with examples.
What Is Writer’s Block? with 15+ Ways to Beat It for Good
Writer’s block can be scary for a writer. Find out what it is, and surefire tips on how to beat it and get back to writing again
Affect vs. Effect: What’s the Difference?
Affect and effect are two very different words that are often confused with each other. Learn the difference in our complete guide.
What’s the Difference Between a Hyphen vs. an En Dash vs. an Em Dash?
Learn the difference between a hyphen vs an en dash vs. an em dash. We share definitions, examples, and more so you can start using different dashes correctly!
Who vs. Whom: When to Use Each One, with Examples
Confused about when to use “who” and when to use “whom”? Read our handy rule on how to know when to pick the right one, every time.
That vs. Which Examples: When to Use Which vs. That
Learn when to use “which” or “that” in a sentence, with a detailed explanation and examples.
What is a Comma Splice? Definition & Examples
A comma can clarify or confuse. Learn what comma splices are and if they can hinder or improve style.
When to Use an Apostrophe | Proper Apostrophe Use + Examples
Apostrophe mistakes are common for newbie writers to make, and they’re the mark of death for a manuscript. Learn when and where to use this important punctuation mark.
How to Use a Semicolon in Writing: Examples and Semicolon Rules
Semicolons, the colon’s weird cousin, are often misunderstood. Learn when and where to use this classic punctuation mark.
Single vs. Double Quotes: How & When to Use Quotation Marks
Quotation marks can be tricky for more than a few reasons. Learn the right way this use this common punctuation mark.
How & When to Use a Colon in Creative Writing
What is a colon in grammar? Do you capitalize after a colon? Learn how and when to use a colon correctly, with examples!
Elements of Storytelling
The Parts of a Story: 10 Critical Elements of a Story Explained
An effective story has many parts. We’ll give you a broad overview of each of them in this guide.
How to Start a Short Story
Discover practical tips for starting your short story effectively and capturing your reader's attention in this detailed guide.
Book Tropes: The Ultimate List of 70+ Tropes in Literature
Tropes are the backbone of familiar literature. Learn all about them in this ultimate list.
Romance Book Tropes: 50+ Ways to Turn Up Your Story’s Heat
The romance genre is built on a foundation of common tropes. Learn all about them in this comprehensive guide.
What Makes a Good Story? 15 Elements Your Story Needs (and 3 to Avoid!)
Stories can be gripping or boring... so what are the elements of a good story? We’ll break it down in this ultimate guide.
What is Parallel Structure? Definition and Examples
Learn about parallel structure in grammar and storytelling in this comprehensive article.
What is Pacing in a Narrative? Pacing Definition
Wondering about pacing? We’ll give you a solid definition, with examples and tips on pacing your own stories
25 Common Themes in Literature, with Examples
Read about the 25 most common themes in literature, with lots of examples, in this comprehensive guide.
What is External Conflict? Definition, Types of External Conflict, and Examples
Learn all about external conflict, why it’s important in storytelling, and how to create effective conflict for your characters.
What is Internal Conflict? Types of Internal Conflict in Storytelling
We’ll teach you all about internal conflict in storytelling, and why it’s important, in this detailed guide with examples.
What is Mood in Literature? Mood Definition and Examples
Learn what mood means in writing and literature in our easy guide, with examples and tips.
Place in Fiction: The Power of Setting as Character
Settings can be much more than backdrops. Learn how place and settings in fiction can be as powerful as fully-developed characters.
Plot-Driven vs. Character-Driven Stories: What’s the Difference?
Learn about the difference between plot-driven stories and character-driven stories in this detailed guide, with examples.
Memoir vs. Autobiography: What Are the Differences?
We’ll show you the differences between a memoir and an autobiography, with examples and tips on which one to pick for your story.
What are the Elements of a Story? 12 Central Story Elements
Learn what the 12 elements of a story are, how these elements have influenced great literature, and how to use them to make your writing even more powerful.
What is a Writer’s Voice & Tips for Finding Your Writing Voice
Learn what writer’s voice is and how to develop your own unique voice, with definitions and examples from literature.
What is Theme? Definition & Examples of Theme in Literature
Learn literary theme is, how to understand theme in a story, and how to use theme to make your writing even more powerful with this comprehensive guide.
What is Conflict in a Story? Definition & 4 Types of Conflict
Learn what conflict is in a story, what the 4 types of conflict are in literature, and how to create (and resolve) conflicts in your stories.
What is Setting in a Story? With 5 Evocative Examples of Setting
Learn about setting in a story, including the 3 layers of setting, and how to create effective settings in your own story.
Literary Elements: What are the 7 Elements of Literature?
What are the 7 literary elements of a story? See the complete list! In this guide, we share definitions and examples of the most important elements of literature.
Shaping Your Story
How to Start a First Chapter of a Novel
The first chapter is the most important part of your story, and the hardest to get right. We’ll show you how to craft the perfect one in this guide.
What is a Zero Draft? Definition and Tips to Write Your Own
A zero draft is incredibly useful for planning your novel. Learn all about how to write one in this guide.
What is a Denouement? Definition and Examples
The denouement is a critical part of your narrative arc. Learn all about it in this in-depth guide.
What is Rising Action? How to Find Your Story’s Momentum
Rising action is an important keystone to a well-structured plot. Learn all about this aspect of storytelling in this comprehensive article.
How to Start a Story: Hooking Your Reader From the Very First Page
The start of the story is the most important part. We’ll show you how to start your story so that readers can’t stop reading.
Internal vs. External Conflict: Examples, Tips, and Why Your Story Needs Both
Confused about internal vs. external conflict? Learn the difference in this comprehensive guide.
What is an Inciting Incident? Definition, Examples, and How to Find Yours
Learn what the inciting incident is in a story, with examples, tips, and tricks on writing your own.
What is a Novella-In-Flash? With Ideas and Tips to Write Your Own
Ever heard of a Novella-In-Flash? We’ll tell you exactly how it is, with tips and tricks on composing your own.
The “Overcoming the Monster” Archetype: How to Write Stories Using This Classic Plot Type
Learn about the Overcoming the Monster archetype, with tips and tricks for using it in your own writing.
Myth in Literature: Definition, and Using Myths to Explore New Ideas
Learn about how myths are used in writing and literature, and how you can use myths to power your own stories.
The 8 Point Story Arc: What It Is and How to Use This Story Structure
Learn about the 8-point story arc, how it can shape your story, and how to use it effectively.
How to Outline a Book with the Flashlight Method
Learn about the flashlight method for outlining your story, with tips and tricks on using it to shape the perfect narrative.
Low Fantasy vs. High Fantasy: What’s the Difference?
Learn the difference between high vs. low fantasy, with easy examples from literature.
Worldbuilding: The Ultimate Guide (Plus a Template!)
Master the art of worldbuilding with our ultimate guide — plus downoad a free worldbuilding template!
How to Plot a Story Using the Snowflake Method
Learn what the snowflake method for plotting a story is, with helpful tips and tricks for using it to plot your own story.
What Is the Fichtean Curve? Definition, with Examples from Literature
We’ll give you the definition of the Fichtean curve, with examples and tips on how to use it to improve the plotting in your story.
The Five-Act Structure: The Foundation of an Engaging Story
Learn about the five-act story structure in this comprehensive guide, with examples and tips on applying it to your own writing.
The Three-Act Structure: What It Is and How to Write It, with Examples
Learn about what the Three Act Structure is, how it applies to stories of all types including novels and movies, plus examples in this ultimate guide.
How to Write a Book Outline for a Nonfiction Book
Learn how to write an outline for your nonfiction book in this ultimate guide.
In Medias Res: Definition, Synonyms & Examples in Writing
Searching for the literary definition of “in media res”? Click here to learn all about the in media res plot structure, including examples and synonyms.
What Is a Dramatic Question? (And Why You Need One for Your Story)
What is a dramatic question in a story? We’ll look at how you can find the dramatic question in your story, with examples.
How to End a Story: 7 Different Kinds of Endings
Learn about the different ways to end a story. We’ll show you 7 different ways to end a narrative, with tips on how to write the perfect ending.
How to Write a Plot Outline: 7 Approaches to Outlining
Are you ready to take that best-selling book idea and turn it into an action plan? In this post, we’ll discuss how to write a book outline in a few easy steps.
Story Archetypes: 50+ Plot Archetypes to Craft Your Narrative
Learn about story archetypes in this ultimate guide, which includes tips on how to use archetypes to frame your story, and 50+ examples of archetypes found in literature throughout the ages.
Writing the Hero’s Journey: Steps, Examples & Archetypes
This Hero’s Journey ultimate writing guide thoroughly explains the character archetypes and the 12 stages with examples, templates, tips, and prompts.
What is Plot? Definition, Examples & 10+ Types of Story Plots
Learn what plot is, how it relates to story structure and the classic seven story types, and 3 ways to plot powerful stories of your own.
Freytag’s Pyramid: Definitions and Examples of Dramatic Structure
Freytag’s Pyramid is a simple dramatic structure that has been used since the 19th century. Click here to learn how it can help you write more engaging fiction.
Crafting Characters
What is a Mary Sue Character?
Mary Sues are a type of character that you don’t want in your writing. Learn all about what they are and how to avoid writing them in this guide.
What Makes a Good Character? Criteria, Tools, and Examples
Good characters don’t have to be hard to write. Learn what makes for compelling characters, plus some tips on crafting them.
Secondary Character Arcs, and How to Write Them
Secondary characters need their own arcs too. Learn all about these arcs and how to write them in this comprehensive guide.
What Are Character Arcs and How to Write Them, with Examples
Character arcs are fundamental to developing memorable characters. We’ll tell you all about them, with tips for writing your own.
The Ultimate Guide To Distinctive Character Mannerisms
Well-written mannerisms are the key to memorable characters. Learn all about character mannerisms in this ultimate guide!
What are the Qualities of a Hero in Writing and Literature?
Heros are one of the most important character types in a story. Learn all about what makes a hero in writing and literature.
What is a Tragic Hero? Examples and How to Write Your Own
Tragic heros are a cornerstone of great literature. Learn all about them in this guide.
30+ Types of Characters in a Story: The Ultimate Guide to Character Types
What are the different kinds of character types? Learn all about them in this ultimate guide.
What is a Round Character? How to Write Characters Readers Will Remember
Round characters are at the core of good stories. Learn all about them in this handy guide.
What is a Flat Character? And When To Use Them In Your Writing
Flat characters can help round out an effective story. Learn all about them in this detailed guide.
Round vs. Flat Characters: What’s the Difference?
Round and flat characters are key building blocks of powerful stories. We’ll show you the difference between the two in this complete guide.
Anti-Hero vs. Villain: How They Compare
The differences between an anti-hero and a villain can be confusing, but we’ll clear them up in this detailed guide.
Everything You Need to Know About Character Development
Characters are the heart of a story. This guide will show you how to start crafting memorable ones.
What is an Unreliable Narrator? How to Write One, With Examples from Literature
Unreliable narrators can add a sense of tension and mystery to a narrative. Learn all about them in this complete guide.
The Ruler Archetype: Examples and How to Use This Literary Archetype
Learn all about the ruler literary archetype with our comprehensive guide.
The Trickster Archetype: What It Is and How to Write It (With Examples)
Learn about the trickster character archetype with this easy guide, including examples and tips.
What is the Mother Archetype? With Examples
Learn about the mother archetype, and how the character is represented in literature, with examples
Protagonist vs. Antagonist: What’s the Difference?
Confused about the difference between a protagonist and antagonist? Learn what makes each one special in this comprehensive guide.
What is “Fridging” in Fiction Writing?
Get a quick definition of fridging, with examples and tips on how to avoid it.
What Is the Shadow Archetype? Definition with Examples
Learn all about the shadow archetype character, with an easy definition and examples from literature.
Character Bio Template for Creating the Perfect Characters
Use our character bio template to plan memorable characters for your next story.
What is the Hero Archetype? Definition and Examples
Learn about the Hero character archetype, with an easy definition and examples.
What is the Mentor Archetype? Definition and Examples
We’ll show you what the mentor archetype is in storytelling and literature, along with tips and tricks on writing your own.
What is the Outlaw Archetype? Definition and Examples from Literature
Learn all about the outlaw character archetype, with examples from literature and tips and tricks on writing your own.
Writing the Rebel Archetype: Fictional Characters Who Make Their Own Rules (with Examples)
Learn all about the classic rebel archetype in stories and literature, with tips on writing your own rebels.
What is the Damsel Archetype? The Damsel-in-Distress Archetype Demystified
Learn about the damsel archetype, how to spot it in narratives, and how to write your own effective damsel archetypes.
What Is the Everyman Archetype? Definition and Examples
Learn about the everyman archetype in literature in this handy guide.
The Sidekick Archetype: Everything You Need to Know
Learn what the sidekick archetype is in literature, with tips and tricks on writing effective ones.
What is the Lover Archetype in Literature? Definitions and Examples
We’ll show you what the lover archetype is in literature, with examples and tips on how to use it in your own writing.
Villain Archetypes and How to Write Compelling Villains (With Examples)
Learn all about the villain character archetype in our easy-to-follow guide, with examples.
The Scapegoat Archetype: How to Write a Scapegoat Character (With Examples from Literature)
Learn about the scapegoat character archetype, and how to use it effectively in your storytelling.
What is the Threshold Guardian Archetype? With Tips for Creating Your Own
Learn what the Threshold Guardian character archetype is, along with tips on how to write your own effective guardian archetypes.
What is the Herald Archetype, With Examples
Learn what the herald archetype is in writing and literature, and how to effectively incorporate it into your storytelling.
What Are Minor Characters? With Tips on Writing Them
Learn all about minor characters, how they fit into a story, and how to write effective ones in this ultimate guide.
What Is an Anti-Villain? Making the Bad Guys (Kind Of) Good Again
We’ll show you what an anti-villain is, with examples and easy definitions, along with tips on how to create effective ones.
Secondary Characters: What They Are, and How to Create Unforgettable Ones
Learn all about secondary characters, why they’re important in a story, and how to create memorable ones.
What is Head Hopping, and How to Avoid This Writing Mistake
Learn all about head hopping, with tips and tricks on how to avoid this common writing mistake.
Action and Reaction: How do Characters React?
How characters react, and how others react to your characters, is a critical aspect of good writing.
What is a Dynamic Character? Definition with Examples
Learn the definition of a dynamic character, with examples from literature and tips on how to make your own characters more dynamic.
Static vs. Dynamic Characters: Understand the Difference
Learn the difference between static and dynamic characters, with easy-to-understand examples, in our ultimate guide.
What is a Static Character? Definition and Examples
Learn what a static character is with easy examples from literature in this comprehensive guide.
What Is an Antihero in Literature? Definition with Examples
We’ll break down what an antihero is, with lots of examples from books, movies, and TV in this complete guide.
What Are Jungian Archetypes, and How They Can Help Develop Your Characters
Learn about the 12 Jungian archetypes and the 5 Jungian aspects of every character, and how to use them to create more dynamic characters in your story.
What is a Foil Character in Literature? Definition & Examples
Learn what foil characters are, why they’re important in storytelling, and how to write your own foil characters with examples from literature in this ultimate guide.
What Are Character Archetypes? 16 Archetypes, Plus Examples
Learn about the 16 classic character archetypes in literature, and how to use them in your story in this ultimate guide to character archetypes.
What is Dialect in Literature? Definition and Examples
Learn what dialect is in fiction, how dialect differs from diction, how to avoid the pitfalls of characterization, and how to use dialect to give life to your story.
What Is an Antagonist? Definition and 7 Examples
Learn what an antagonist is, how to recognize them, the difference between antagonists and protagonists, and how to write antagonists that will make your story come alive.
What is a Protagonist? Definition, Examples, and Tools
Learn what a protagonist is, how they relate to the supporting cast, and how you can write memorable ones for powerful storytelling (with 7 examples).
Character Anatomy: Driving Plot Through Story Characters
Characters are central to a captivating plot. Deepen your understanding of the forces that drive well-written characters to bring a story to life.
Playing With Perspective
What is Third-Person Limited Point of View? Definition and Examples
Learn about third person limited point of view, with an easy definition and examples from literature.
What Is Objective Point of View? Plus Tips on How to Write It
Learn all about objective point of view, how it differs from other PoVs, and the best ways to use it in your story.
What is 4th Person Point of View?
Learn about fourth person point of view, a less common but very important tool in a writer’s toolbox.
How to Write in the Second Person Point of View + Examples
Learn how to write in the second person point of view with this detailed guide that provides definitions, examples, writing advice, and reading recommendations.
Writing First Person Point of View: Definition & Examples
What is the first person point of view? This ultimate guide comprehensively covers first person PoV with definitions, writing tips, examples, and more!
How to Write in Third Person Multiple Point of View + Examples
Third-person multiple PoV can be an effective way to share the insight and perspective of each character in a story. Learn more in this comprehensive guide.
Third Person Omniscient Point of View: The All-Knowing Narrator
Learn how to write in third person omniscient PoV. This guide offers writing tips, explanations, and examples of the nuance of the omniscient perspective.
What is Point of View? Definition & 8 Types of Point of View
Learn about point of view in a story, third person and first person point of view, and how to choose which of the 8 PoV types is right for your story.
Filtering: How to Avoid Using Filters in Writing
Sometimes the words we choose can separate the reader from the action. Learn about filtering in prose writing and how to avoid using filters in writing.
Writer’s Toolbox
How to Write Fantasy: A Complete Guide in 10 Steps
Writing a fantasy novel doesn’t have to be intimidating. Our comprehensive guide will break down the steps for you.
How to Start Writing For the First Time
Getting started writing doesn’t have to be intimidating. We’ll show you how you can start a writing habit today!
Types of Fiction: The Ultimate Guide With 50+ Subgenres and Examples
There are many different kinds of fiction. Learn all about the differences in this ultimate guide.
How to Write a Novel: A Complete Guide to the Novel Writing Process
Writing a novel can be daunting — but we’ll show you how you can do it, in this ultimate guide.
What is Parallelism in Grammar? Parallel Structure Explained
Parallel sentence structure is a powerful tool for effective writing. Learn all about it in this comprehensive article.
What is Verbal Irony? Definition and Examples
Verbal irony is an important tool in your writer’s toolbox. Learn all about it in this article.
How to Outline a Novel: The Complete Guide
Outlining your novel is the best way to ensure its success. Learn all about outlining one in this ultimate guide.
How to Start an Autobiography: Writing Your Life Story
Writing yourself can be hard work. Learn how to get started with your autobiography in this guide.
How to Write Flash Fiction: Short Stories in 1,500 Words or Fewer
Flash fiction is one of the most popular types of writing. Our guide will show you the ins and outs of mastering it.
Word Choice: Master This Critical Writing Tool
Word choice is one of the most important parts of effective prose. Learn how to master this writing tool.
What is Purple Prose? Definition and Tips on Avoiding Purple Prose
Purple prose is a writing mistake that’s easy to avoid. We’ll show you what it is along with tips for fixing it.
How Long Should a Chapter Be? Lengths, Numbers, and Structures Demystified
Ever wondered how long a chapter should be? We break down the ideal chapter length in this article.
What is a Simile? Definition and Examples
Learn what a simile is in our comprehensive easy guide.
What is Satire? Examples, Definition, and How to Write Satire
Learn what satire is with our quick definition, plus examples from literature so that you can write your own satire.
Sensory Language: What Is It, and How Can It Improve Your Writing?
Learn how to write language that appeals to the senses in this helpful guide, with tips and examples.
What is Diction in Writing?
Curious about diction in writing? Learn exactly what it is, with helpful examples, in this short post.
How to Write a Sex Scene
Writing sex scenes can be intimidating. Learn all about writing steamy ones in this detailed guide.
What is Shadow Writing? Complete Guide Plus 35+ Prompts
Learn what shadow writing is, with prompts to inspire your own shadow writing, in this complete guide.
Transgressive Fiction: Breaking Free from the Norms of Creative Writing
Learn what transgressive fiction is, with some examples of the greatest transgressive fiction novels.
Writing the 100-Word Memoir
Learn what makes a 100-word memoir, with examples and tips on writing your own.
Nonfiction Writing Checklist for Your Book
Use this helpful checklist when writing your nonfiction book to make sure you cover all of your important bases.
How Many Chapters Should a Book Have? Book and Chapter Lengths Demystified
Learn about the optimum chapter length, including the best length for different genres.
100 Summer Writing Prompts
Get ready for summer with these 100 writing prompts, designed to get your creativity going!
What is a Paradox? Definition, Types, and Examples
Learn what a paradox is in writing and what the different types of paradoxes are, with examples from books and films.
Spring Writing Prompts: 100 Prompts to Get You Writing This Spring
We have 100 spring writing prompts ready to inspire you. What will you write about this spring?
How to Overcome Your Fear of Being a Bad Writer
It’s easy to feel like a failure when you’re trying to write. Try these tips and tricks to overcome your fear!
What Is a Shitty First Draft (And Why You Need One!)
Shitty first drafts are an important part of good writing. Learn what they are and why they’re important!
How to Show, Not Tell Pain
Learn tips and tricks for showing, not telling pain in your characters.
Tone vs. Mood: What’s the Difference?
Learn the difference between tone and mood with our easy definitions and helpful examples.
What is Tone? Definition, with Examples
Learn about tone in literature and writing, with a detailed definition and examples.
What Is Magical Realism? How to Bridge the Ordinary and the Extraordinary
We’ll show you what magical realism is, with examples and tips on using it to make your stories special.
What is Alliteration? Definition, examples and tips
We’ll show you what alliteration is, with a clear definition, examples, and tips on how to use it in your own writing.
What is Misdirection in Writing? Definition and Examples
Learn what misdirection in writing is, with examples from literature and tips on how you can use misdirection in your own writing.
What is an Oxymoron? Easy Definition, With Examples from Literature
Learn all about oxymorons with an easy definition, examples, and how to use them to sharpen your writing.
What Is Repetition in a Story: Definition and Examples of Repetition in Literature
Learn about using repetition in your writing, with a definition and examples of effective repetition from literature.
What is Rhythm in Literature? Definition and Examples
Learn what rhythm in literature is, along with helpful examples from famous stories.
What Is Juxtaposition? Definition and Examples from Literature
Learn the definition of juxtaposition, with examples from literature and tips on how to use it in your own writing.
What Does Onomatopoeia Mean? Definition & Examples
What is onomatopoeia? Did you know there’s a word for words related to sound? Click here for examples of onomatopoeia and how to use them in your writing.
What is a Motif? Definition and Examples
What is a motif? We’ll explain the meaning of motif in literature along with clear examples, and ways to use them in your own writing.
What Is Personification? Definition and Examples from Literature
What’s the definition of personification in literature? We’ll show you why writers love using personification in a story, with helpful examples.
What Is a Flashback, and How to Use Them in Your Writing
Curious about the purpose of flashbacks in writing? We’ll show you how to use flashbacks in a story with definitions and examples from literature.
What are Literary Allusions? Definitions & Examples in Literature
What are literary allusions? What is the purpose of an allusion? Click here for answers to all your questions about when, how, and why to use allusion in literature.
What is Hyperbole? Examples & Definition in Literature
What’s the purpose of hyberbole? Learn how to write a hyperbole, explore examples, and get answers to questions about using hyberbole in literature.
What is Euphemism? Examples & Definition in Literature
What is euphemism? What is the purpose of euphemism? Explore examples and get answers to all of your questions about using euphemisms in literature.
What is Suspense? Definition & Examples in Literature
Suspense is the driving force in any story. Learn the definition of suspense in literature and dive into how to create suspense and tension in writing.
Writing Effective Dialogue: Advanced Techniques
Learn how to write effective dialogue for various different situations, with advanced tips, techniques, and examples.
How to Write Dialogue: Rules, Examples, and 8 Tips for Engaging Dialogue
Learn the rules for writing dialogue, plus tips and tricks for writing engaging dialogue into your story, in this complete guide.
Cliché vs. Trope in Writing: How They Differ, with Examples
Our ultimate guide to trope vs. cliche includes definitions, cliche examples, trope examples, and ways to use them in writing to improve your story.
What Is a Cliffhanger? Definition, Examples, and How to Write Great Ones
We’ll show you what a cliffhanger is and how to create suspenseful ones in your story, with definitions, examples, and tips.
What Is Anachronism? 4 Types of Anachronism, with Examples from Literature
Learn what anachronism is in literature, how to avoid unintentionally using it in your story, and how it can be used effectively in writing.
What Is Exposition? How to Use It in Writing, with Examples
Learn what exposition is in writing, how to use it to give clarity to your story, and how to avoid the pitfalls of using exposition the wrong way.
What is Foreshadowing? Definition, Types, Examples, and Tips
Foreshadowing is used to build intrigue and tension within a story. Learn the definition of literary foreshadowing, along with methods, tips, and examples.
What is Imagery in Literature? Definition and Examples
Learn about the 7 types of imagery, the difference between literal and figurative imagery, and how to explore all your senses to create rich, dynamic stories in this ultimate guide.
What Is Allegory? Definition and Examples from Literature
Learn what an allegory is with a defintion and examples from literature, and how to use allegory to give new depth to your story.
What is Symbolism? Definition, Examples & Types of Symbolism
Learn what symbolism in literature is with definitions and examples from novels; and learn how to find inspiration for symbolism in your own writing.
What Is Irony? Definition & 5 Types of Irony in Literature
Learn about the 5 types of irony with definitions and examples from literature, as well as how to use irony effectively to create plot twists and themes, in this ultimate guide.
What is a Metaphor? Definition, Examples & Types of Metaphors
Learn what a metaphor is, the 5 types of metaphor in a story, how to use line level metaphors and story level metaphors, and how to tell metaphors from other literary devices in this ultimate guide.
Chekhov’s Gun: Definition, Examples, and Tips
Chekhov’s Gun is an easy literary principle. Learn how using it can help you improve your story.
Literary Devices List: 33 Main Literary Devices with Examples
Literary devices are what make your story pop. Learn how to use them effectively in your writing with these 33 examples.
Common Screenwriting Mistakes to Avoid in Your Screenplay
Screenwriting and screenplay formatting is different from writing novels or poetry. Learn how to identify and avoid common screenwriting mistakes!
Show, Don’t Tell: Meaning, Examples & Differences
We often hear the phrase “Show, Don’t Tell,” but what does that actually mean? In this post, we’ll tell you the meanings and show you the differences, with examples!
Dialogue Tag Format: What are Speech Tags? With Examples
Learn what dialogue tags are, other words for “said,” and how to use speech tags to improve the way your characters talk to each other.
What You Need to Know as a Writer About Narrative Tenses
Understanding narrative tenses is key to flowing prose. Learn the subtle differences between the tenses and how they’re used in successful prose.
Active vs. Passive Voice: What’s the Difference?
Knowing the difference between passive vs. active voice is the first step towards making your writing pop. We’ll show you when to use which!
Clichés to Avoid in Writing (Plus Cliché Examples)
A rose by any other name would still be a cliche. Click here to learn what a cliche is, which cliches to avoid in writing, and how to avoid cliches.
Types of Poetry: The Complete Guide with 28 Examples
Learn about the different types of poetry, from sonnet to free verse, in this ultimate guide featuring 28 examples.
Poetic Devices List: 27 Main Poetic Devices with Examples
Poetic devices are the tools skilled poets use to craft powerful poetry. Learn how to use them in your own poetry with these 27 examples.
How to Write a Haiku (With Haiku Examples)
Learn all about haiku format, structure, syllable count, rules, and ultimately how to write a haiku on your own. Plus plenty of haiku examples!
What Are the Parts of a Book? 25+ Book Components Explained
Learn about all of the parts of a book in this detailed guide, so you can structure your own book.
How to Find Beta Readers
Beta readers are an important part of publishing your book. We’ll show you the best ways to find them!
How to Write a Logline for a Book
Loglines are a fundamental way of both planning and pitching your novel to agents and editors. Learn all about it in this article.
How Many Words are in a Novel? Make Sure Your Word Count Meets Industry Expectations
Wondering how long the average novel is? We’ll break down novel lengths by genre along with industry expectations of length.
Comp Titles: Why You Need Comp Titles in Traditional Publishing (and How to Find Them)
Comp titles are a critical part of pitching your book to a publisher. We’ll tell you all about them!
What is a Literary Agent?
Learn what a literary agent is, why you might need one to publish your book, and some tips and tricks on meeting your ideal agent.
Novel Versus Book: What’s the Difference?
Learn what the difference is between a novel and a book in this easy-to-read guide.
Advanced Reader Copy: Definition and Tips for Readers and Writers
We’ll show you what an advanced reader copy is, with tips on how to get one if you’re a reader, and how to create one if you’re a writer.
What Distinguishes Literary Nonfiction From Traditional Nonfiction
Literary nonfiction and traditional nonfiction might seem similar, but the’re actually very different!
How to Find a Literary Agent
We’ll show you the ins and outs of finding and querying a literary agent in this ultimate guide.
What is an MFA? The Ultimate Guide
Learn what an MFA is, why you might want one, and whether you really need one to succeed in the arts, in our ultimate guide.
How to Get an ISBN
We’ll explain what an ISBN, why you need one, and how to get one in this ultimate guide.
How to Become a Beta Reader
Ready to be a beta reader? Learn how to become one in this ultimate guide.
What Is a Beta Reader? (And Why You Need One!)
Beta readers are one of the most important parts of the writing process! Learn what they are, how to find them, and what to look for in good beta readers.
How to Write a Hook for Your Query Letter
Learn how to write a compelling hook for your query letter to a literary agent in this easy step-by-step guide with examples.
How to Write a Query Letter, with Examples
Learn how to write the perfect query letter to pitch to an agent in this complete guide, including examples.
Self Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing: Which is Best for Your Book?
Deciding between self publishing vs. traditional publishing? Check out our in-depth guide to see which publishing process is best for your needs.
How to Pitch a Book Idea to a Literary Agent
Looking for step-by-step instructions on how to pitch a book idea to an agent? Click here for answers to all of your book pitch-related questions!
Understanding First Serial Rights & Other Author Rights
Knowing your rights as an author is the first step in protecting your work and getting the most for it from a publisher.
The Copyright Guide for Writers (with a “Poor Man’s Copyright” Example)
Copyright is a common concern for many writers. Learn about the basics of copyright in the US and how it applies to independent writers.
Critique vs. Criticism: How to Write a Critique Correctly
Learning the difference between critique vs. criticism and how to write a critique in a friendly and constructive way are important parts of improving as a writer.
Short Story Submissions: How to Publish a Short Story or Poem
The process of submitting your finished writing to a publication can be daunting. Read how to correctly submit short stories and poetry to any market.
Story Writing Format: How to Format a Short Story + Examples and Templates
The first step to getting your short story read is to format it correctly. Learn the industry standard for short story manuscript formatting.
Screenplay Format: How to Format a Script, with Examples
Our screenplay format guide outlines special formatting requirements with examples so you can learn how to format your screenplays to the industry standard.
Manuscript Format: How to Format a Novel, with Examples
Submitting an incorrectly-formatted manuscript is a quick ticket to an agent’s trash bin. Learn the professional standard for manuscript formatting.
Blog posts
How to beat 85% of the other freelance writing job applicants
Eight Questions You Need to Ask Your Characters Before They Can Stay In Your Story
How Are You Telling Your Story?...Part 2: Voice and Narration
Freelance Writing Basics: How to Find Your First Writing Gig
How Do I Know If My Idea Will Sell? An Intro To The World of Agents, Editors and Publishing, Part 2
Yes, But Do You Want Anyone To Read It? An Intro To The World of Agents, Editors and Publishing
Poetry Boot Camp: I Don't Know What I've Been Told, Shakespeare's Plays Are Mighty Old