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At Scribophile, we’re focused on giving each other constructive feedback on our writing. But sometimes you need a place to have in-depth discussion on general writing topics — or a place just to meet people and hang out!
That’s what our writing forums, a core part of our larger writing community, are for. The writing forums at Scribophile are one of the largest writing-oriented online forums in the world!
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There’s no better cure for writer’s block than being able to draw inspiration from our active and helpful community.
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We have forums for any topic: from the writing craft, to book discussion, to the publishing industry, to just hanging out.
How our writing forums work
Our writing forums are designed to encourage friendly, polite, and enlightening discussion.
Members start threads about a topic, like “How do I find a literary agent?”
Then other members (like you!) reply with their own insight, starting a discussion that anyone can read, learn from, and participate in.
Browse through years of discussion about writing
Our busy writing forums have more than a fifteen years of discussion archived, with millions of posts across hundreds of thousands of threads for you to discover.
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Make lifelong friends
Scribophile is a place where writers make lifelong friends from all walks of life. Our polite, kind and helpful community of writers is something we’re really proud of.
I’ve made friends, developed valuable critiquing relationships, published my works, built my author platform, and gained lots of confidence, all with the support of the Scribophile community.
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